George Schwarz 1935–2021
Saturday, 11 September 2021
Linda’s friend and mentor, the artist George Schwarz, departed this life 28/5/2021. He had heart failure. Linda recorded some of his last breaths.
We are working with this recording to produce 3D form to be bio-printed with live, beating, cardiac spheroids – cardiac growth on the shape and structure of cardiac failure – new life forming from last breaths.
George is survived by his wife and co-conspirator, Charis, who is in close communication for this. See their work at
We have been through many different kinds of visualisations of the recording and printed some small tests on beautiful Hahnemuhle paper. In lockdown while most of life is online on screen, having a physical material surface seems called for.

George’s breath, as lines

George’s breath, frequency as circles

George’s breath, frequency x volume, at start, middle and end of duration